This group develops research into regional, urban and housing economics. Its members are especially interested in the growth of cities, neighbourhood interactions, the effects of public transport policies and access to homeownership. Some specific projects are presented below.
The impact of the high-speed train on the growth of cities and housing market
The aim of this project is to quantify the effects of introducing very fast train lines on the growth of cities and real estate prices; it also investigates competition from the airline sector. The study uses a new data base of train journeys taken from the SNCF archive and digital information. This material is complemented with data from the DGAC on the flow of passengers among airports.
Researchers: Gilles Duranton, Laurent Gobillon and Miren Lafourcade
Funding:Grand Projet CEPREMAP

Social Cohesion and the City: Infrastructure and urban amenities for a sustainable society

The aim of this project is to determine the extent to which infrastructure and urban amenities can promote social cohesion and lead to economically and socially sustainable cities in the French context. Using rich local data, it focuses particularly on the impact of the National Programme for Urban Renewal and transport infrastructure on social cohesion. It also analyses the links between social cohesion and economic conditions.
Researchers: Arnaud Philippe, Nina Guyon, Camille Hémet, Lucie Letrouit, Clément Malgouyres, Ilias Pasidis and Matthieu Solignac
Funding:SOCOCITY, ANR-18-CE22-0013
The effects of no-interest loans on urban sprawl and well-being in France
This project analyses how the introduction of interest-free loans in France has contributed to urban sprawl and to well-being, using an economic model in which the housing market is in equilibrium. Heterogeneous agents choose their residential location and housing tenure taking into account borrowing constraints. The project examines the trigger effects of a no-interest loan on access to homeownership, especially for households with moderate income, and windfall effects. It also tests the limits of the hypothesis of the rational agent from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Researchers:Gabrielle Fack, Laurent Gobillon and Aurélie Sotura