This group conducts research into public economics. Its members are particularly interested in policies of employment, pensions, the tax system, the funding of hospitals and questions of redistribution. Some specific projects are presented below.
Policies to extend working life
This project studies the relationships among longer working life, health, and support given to family members with reduced autonomy. This question is an issue in public policy in each of the countries involved in the research (France, Germany, the UK and Denmark). The goal is to shed light on choices about working life, and how those choices affect the health and well-being of seniors. The researchers also investigate the ways in which taking on the responsibility of caring for elderly relatives can affect the caregiver’s ability to work longer.
Researchers: Didier Blanchet, Mahdi Ben Jelloul, Antoine Bozio, Eve Caroli, Pierre-Yves Geoffard, Elsa Perdrix, Corinne Prost, Simon Rabaté and Muriel Roger
Funding:Longlives, ANR etJPI “More Years, Better Lives”

Micro-simulation of social-taxation systems

This project models the impacts of a proposal to reform the French social-taxation system that would put an end to a series of tax loopholes. In the long term, this modelling could become a tool for evaluating the reforms. It involves the creation of a data base using new administrative sources that can be used to evaluate the model and conduct microsimulations. This data base will be more precise than earlier ones regarding low- and high-income households.
Researchers: Didier Blanchet, Antoine Bozio and Simon Rabaté
Funding:Praxis-IPP, Club Praxis
Reforms to the hospital system and inequalities
This project evaluates the effects of changes to the funding of hospitals. In particular, the financing of public hospitals has gone from a global budget system to reimbursements based on homogenous groups of diseases that depend on the pathologies and their severity. The reforms have led to strategic behaviour by hospitals in relation to information reported and quality contests in order to attract patients. The project also investigates the changes to the costs of the health care system, which have been affected by the reforms.
Researchers:Laurent Gobillon, Carine Milcent

Income inequalities before and after redistribution: A comparative and historical perspective

This project aims to develop an international data base for understanding the determinants of income inequalities before and after redistribution. The project is conducted by the World Inequality Lab.
Researchers: Thomas Blanchet, Antoine Bozio, Lucas Chancel, Ignacio Flores, Marc Morgan and Thomas Piketty
Funding:ERC Synergy Grant, Ford Foundation and UNDP