
Urban Economics, History and Society: Program

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Upcoming meetings

27/10/2023, 13h30-15h30, room R1-13 : Clément Gorin (Economist, Université Paris 1) and Gabriel Loumeau (Economist, VU Amsterdam) will present their work in urban economics with an historical perspective.

Previous meetings

25-26/05/2023 :Workshop “Neighborhoods and local interactions”. Keynote speakers :Dionissi Aliprantis (Economist, Cleveland Fed), Stefanie DeLuca (Sociologist, John Hopkins university), Gerard Torrats-Espinosa (Sociologist, Columbia university).

25/11/2022 : Workshop “Ports, between history and economics”, with Silvia Marzagalli (historian, U. Côte d’Azur) who proposed a presentation around the historical database on ports that is developed as part of the PORTIC project, and Guy Michaels (economist, LSE) who presented a work in progress entitled “Identifying Agglomeration Shadows: Long-run Evidence from Ancient Ports” (with Richard Hornbeck and Ferdinand Rauch).

16/05/2022 : Workshop “Neighborhoods and Intergenerational Social Mobility”. Keynote speakers :Leah Platt Boustan (Professor of Economics – Princeton University), Patrick Sharkey (William S Tod Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs) and Michael Storper (Department of Geography & Environment – London School of Economics, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs).

14/02/2022 : Clémentine Cottineau (geographer, Delft TU and CNRS – CMH). Clémentine presented the following paper, written with Philippe Askénazy (CMH, CNRS, ENS-PSL) : « The geography of collective bargaining in multi-establishment companies: a strategic choice of employers? »

02/07/2021 :Anne Lambert(sociologist, INED) andJoanie Cayouette-Ramblière (sociologist, INED) presented the surveys and studies they conducted on the topic of neighborhood relationships:

  1. Results from the “Coconel” survey (about lockdown and how the relationship to housing is differentiated by gender and social background – space and use of housing, exit, neighbourhood, residential proximity).
  2. Results from the “Mon quartier, Mon voisin” (“my neighborhood, my neighbors” in French) that focuses more specifically on neighborhood relationships and individual connection to the neighborhood.

07/05/2021 :Clément Dherbécourt (economist, France Stratégie) and Pierre-Yves Cusset (sociologist, France Stratégie) and Guillaume Chapelle (economist, CY Cergy Paris University) discussed their work about a shared topic of interest: the law on Solidarity and Urban Renewal (Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain – SRU in French).

19/03/2021 : Aurélie Sotura (economist, Banque de France) presented her work that relies ont the income databases she contributed to build: reconstitution of the income distribution of each French department since 1960 and of the average income per department since 1922.

29/01/2021 : Marine Duros (sociologist, Centre Maurice Halbwachs) and Julien Migozzi (geographer, ENS) talked about real estate financialization in various contexts (France and South Africa).

14/12/2020: Victor Gay (economist, TSE) presented the Third Republic Geographic Information System he developed (TRF-GIS).

03/11/2020: Lara Tobin (economist, Etablissement Public Foncier d’Ile de France) talked about the operations of requalification of degraded co-ownerships (Orcod), and in particular the one of Grigny2, which the EPF of IDF is in charge of.

29/09/2020: Pierre-Philippe Combes (economist, CNRS, Université de Lyon and Sciences Po) told us about the following two projects, co-authored with Gilles Duranton (Wharton U. Penn), Laurent Gobillon (CNRS, PSE) and Clément Gorin (CNRS, Université de Lyon):

  • A methodological project: “Land use from historical maps by machine learning”
  • A descriptive article project using data from the previous one: “The emergence and disappearance of cities in France, 1760-2015”

To have a better idea of the method and the use of the maps produced, here is a working document that is now public: Urban economics in a historical perspective: Recovering data with machine learning