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Upcoming meetings
27/10/2023, 13h30-15h30, room R1-13 : Clément Gorin (Economist, Université Paris 1) and Gabriel Loumeau (Economist, VU Amsterdam) will present their work in urban economics with an historical perspective.
Previous meetings
25-26/05/2023 :Workshop “Neighborhoods and local interactions”. Keynote speakers :Dionissi Aliprantis (Economist, Cleveland Fed), Stefanie DeLuca (Sociologist, John Hopkins university), Gerard Torrats-Espinosa (Sociologist, Columbia university).
25/11/2022 : Workshop “Ports, between history and economics”, with Silvia Marzagalli (historian, U. Côte d’Azur) who proposed a presentation around the historical database on ports that is developed as part of the PORTIC project, and Guy Michaels (economist, LSE) who presented a work in progress entitled “Identifying Agglomeration Shadows: Long-run Evidence from Ancient Ports” (with Richard Hornbeck and Ferdinand Rauch).
16/05/2022 : Workshop “Neighborhoods and Intergenerational Social Mobility”. Keynote speakers :Leah Platt Boustan (Professor of Economics – Princeton University), Patrick Sharkey (William S Tod Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Princeton University School of Public and International Affairs) and Michael Storper (Department of Geography & Environment – London School of Economics, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs).
14/02/2022 : Clémentine Cottineau (geographer, Delft TU and CNRS – CMH). Clémentine presented the following paper, written with Philippe Askénazy (CMH, CNRS, ENS-PSL) : « The geography of collective bargaining in multi-establishment companies: a strategic choice of employers? »
02/07/2021 :Anne Lambert(sociologist, INED) andJoanie Cayouette-Ramblière (sociologist, INED) presented the surveys and studies they conducted on the topic of neighborhood relationships:
- Results from the “Coconel” survey (about lockdown and how the relationship to housing is differentiated by gender and social background – space and use of housing, exit, neighbourhood, residential proximity).
- Results from the “Mon quartier, Mon voisin” (“my neighborhood, my neighbors” in French) that focuses more specifically on neighborhood relationships and individual connection to the neighborhood.
07/05/2021 :Clément Dherbécourt (economist, France Stratégie) and Pierre-Yves Cusset (sociologist, France Stratégie) and Guillaume Chapelle (economist, CY Cergy Paris University) discussed their work about a shared topic of interest: the law on Solidarity and Urban Renewal (Solidarité et Renouvellement Urbain – SRU in French).
- Clément Dherbécourt and Pierre-Yves Cusset: Link to the presentation
- Guillaume Chapelle: Link to the presentation
19/03/2021 : Aurélie Sotura (economist, Banque de France) presented her work that relies ont the income databases she contributed to build: reconstitution of the income distribution of each French department since 1960 and of the average income per department since 1922.
- Presentation (in French) : Inégalités spatiales en France
- Working paper (in French) : “Les inégalités de revenu entre les départements français depuis cent ans“, with Florian Bonnet and Hippolyte d’Albis
29/01/2021 : Marine Duros (sociologist, Centre Maurice Halbwachs) and Julien Migozzi (geographer, ENS) talked about real estate financialization in various contexts (France and South Africa).
- Julien Migozzi’s presentation (in French): Financiarisation du logement et ségrégation urbaine : Le marché du Cap, métropole émergente sud-africaine
- Marine Duros’ presentation (in French): Façonner et valoriser le(s) marché(s) de l’immobilier financiarisé
14/12/2020: Victor Gay (economist, TSE) presented the Third Republic Geographic Information System he developed (TRF-GIS).
- Link to the presentation
- Mapping the Third Republic: A Geographic Information System of France (1870– 1940)
- Data
03/11/2020: Lara Tobin (economist, Etablissement Public Foncier d’Ile de France) talked about the operations of requalification of degraded co-ownerships (Orcod), and in particular the one of Grigny2, which the EPF of IDF is in charge of.
29/09/2020: Pierre-Philippe Combes (economist, CNRS, Université de Lyon and Sciences Po) told us about the following two projects, co-authored with Gilles Duranton (Wharton U. Penn), Laurent Gobillon (CNRS, PSE) and Clément Gorin (CNRS, Université de Lyon):
- A methodological project: “Land use from historical maps by machine learning”
- A descriptive article project using data from the previous one: “The emergence and disappearance of cities in France, 1760-2015”
To have a better idea of the method and the use of the maps produced, here is a working document that is now public: Urban economics in a historical perspective: Recovering data with machine learning