This group develops research into labour economics. Its members are especially interested in firm hiring and wages policies, professional mobility and workers’ employment, union activities, and practices of discrimination. Some specific projects are presented below.
The causes and consequences of job cuts: France 1996-2015
This project analyses the determining factors of variations in firms’ headcounts and workers’ mobility following separation. It establishes a typology of headcount reduction and analyses how firms adjust to shocks and seasonal fluctuations in demand, in terms of both quantity and composition of the work force. It also focuses on the departures and destinations of workers following shocks, particularly the role of cognitive and non-cognitive skills.
Researchers: Didier Bensadon, Nicolas Berland, Dario Colazzo, Paul Lagneau-Ymonet, David Margolis, Jaime Montana Doncel, Bénédicte Reynaud
Funding:MEADOW, ANR-17-CE26-0011

Does diversity within companies influence gender discrimination in hiring?

This project studies gender discrimination in hiring using large-scale testing and administrative data on firm characteristics. The testing consists of examining firm responses to CVs from fictitious job applicants whose names (first and surnames) vary randomly. The administrative data reveal the gender composition of companies as well as their financial performance. In particular, the researchers want to know if employers try to rectify lack of gender diversity.
Researchers:Thomas Breda, Nicolas Jacquemet, Morgane Laouenan, Roland Rathelot, Mirna Safi, Joyce Sultan
Funding: Dares, Ministère du Travail, APR « Réalisation d’une étude quantitative par la méthode du testing des discriminations à l’embauche selon le sexe du/de la candidat.e »
Interactions of working hours among couples
This project investigates older couples’ labour supply in Norway. It uses administrative population register data matched with employer register data to study how a 2011 pension reform in Norway impacted older couples’ retirement decisions. The reform created incentives to (partially or fully) postpone retirement for some workers but not for others. Thus, the study exploits information on couples in which only one partner directly faced a change in incentives to identify and estimate how the reform impacted the other partner who is only indirectly affected by the reform.
Researchers: Bernt Bratsber and Elena Stancanelli
Funding:JPI MYBL framework(ANR-16-MYBL-0001-02) et Norwegian Research Council (project 238203)

Studying staff representatives to understand better labour relations and conditions for sharing added value

This project concerns the crucial role played by staff representatives in professional relationships, especially those who negotiate directly with their employer over the sharing of added value. Its specific aim is to identify the situations likely to lead to discrimination against staff representatives that has purely strategic purposes and aims at weakening their bargaining power and favouring the maximization of profit.
Researchers: Jérôme Bourdieu, Thomas Breda, Vladimir Pecheu
Funding: Dares, Ministère du Travail, APR « Les relations de travail dans un contexte de réformes institutionnelles : post-enquêtes et exploitations secondaires »
The effects of terrorist attacks on the labour market
This project studies the impact of terrorism on the labour market. It exploits data from the French Labor Force Surveys to estimate the effect of recent attacks in France on the unemployment and employment decisions of groups that may be associated with the terrorists and may face increased risk of employer discrimination.
Researchers: Mouez Fodha, Daniel Mirza, Elena Stancanelli and Thierry Verdier
Funding:BEcAUSeTerror, ANR-18-CE39-0006